Friday, April 25, 2014

Off The Ledge

Today was an "off" day for me. I was easily annoyed and a little tightly wound, and I  had been distancing myself all morning in an effort to conceal my emotions. Then I had an emotional breakdown as soon as the children were gone. I think it kind of scares Ash to see me so very upset and not know why. I couldn't keep from crying even though I tried, as I explained my frustrations at the situation. I was feeling so very sad and hopeless about it because we have both been doing everything in our power to change this situation, but no matter what we do nothing seems to make a difference.

Usually, I am the positive, calm one when it comes to this subject and he is the one who freaks out, so this was really unusual for me. Since I couldn't calm down and I was overtired from missing my morning nap, Ash told me to go lay down. I did, but I couldn't sleep. He came to check on me and found I wasn't sleeping, so he asked me why.  I just couldn't turn my brain off, and talking to him made me cry again from my emotions just being so raw. I broke down and shared my concerns with him in detail, just sobbing.

That's when he surprised me. He told me "You are mine, I've got you. We will get through this together, like we get through everything."{I'm paraphrasing here because I was too upset to memorize his actual words, but you get the drift} Then he hugged me and told me to take a bath and relax, which I did.
I emerged an hour later feeling a lot better, ready to face the challenges that life continues to throw our way. I thanked him for "talking me down off the ledge" so to speak, and we resumed our day.
I am so grateful for the man I call my husband, lover, Hoh, soul mate.  He really is perfect for me :)


  1. River, I am so sorry that you had such a bad day. I think everybody understands what it feels like when the wrong kind of thoughts comes up in a moment when you are having an emotional low. For me, such moments are sure to create a rollercoaster ride with some time when I think I can get out of this and in the end I crash. And it sounds like your ‘off’-day was somehow like that, you really have my sympathy and I gladly send all positive energy your way.
    What Ash told you then was so lovely. Hubby does such things too and saying something like ‘you are mine’ are no empty words here either. This is something I cherish so much and it creates this feeling of being well protected and safe in all ways. It is so wonderful that Ash knows you so well and could give you the support that you needed in this situation. I think this is so important and to see this at work is so beautiful. Lovely :) Have a nice and hopefully relaxed weekend!



    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you for the positive energy! You're right, his words left me enveloped in a sense of peace and I was able to focus on other things knowing that he wouldn't let me fall. Here's to a relaxing weekend for both of us!

  2. oh River I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time. More often than not I have a brain that won't turn off. That alone is exhausting. I am happy that you found comfort in the care Ash was offering. That is fantastic!
    I do hope things get better for you soon.
    love Willie

    1. Thanks Willie,
      I know things will get better at some point. Thankfully Ash has taken the issue off my plate, so I won't think about it as much.

  3. River, this is the kind of post I really love reading. It is so good to have someone like your husband to be the one to take care of you. I know that the more trust I put in Ty and the more I support him and his decisions, he seems to be stronger, the strength in our marriage and I love that he takes care of me and our children, just like Ash does for you.
    Hang in there. I hope that this situation, that is overwhelming you, is taken care of and that you continue to let Ash take care of you

    1. Sometimes it's hard for me to let go of things and give them to him, but I'm getting better. Life is forcing me to practice :-)

  4. Hi River, I hope you are doing fine and I’d like to tell you that I have nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award. You can find all the details in my blog entry and I hope you can participate.



    1. Hi Nina,
      Wow, thank you :) I would love to participate, I am doing just fine now. The weather is sunny, which helps my disposition a lot!
