Thursday, February 6, 2014

Lessons on Forgetting

I can't believe what a wonderful man I am married too.  It shocks and awes me sometimes to know that he understands me so well, often better than I understand myself.  This morning after I got out of the shower(I was still in my towel)my husband waited until I was in a part of our bedroom with little room to move and got out the big scary wood paddle that he calls "The Motivator" and immediately began to spank me. Not incredibly hard, but fast.  No words, just spanking. I was in tears immediately for several reasons: I had been watching a sad show that morning so my tear ducts were primed, there was no warning so I wasn't mentally prepared for a spanking, it hurt, and I wasn't sure if I had done something to upset him. It took every ounce of self-control I had to stand there and take it.
 It lasted less than a minute but I was sobbing when it was over, and he held me.  Every time I am spanked and I cry he always asks me "Why are you crying?" not because he thinks I should toughen up but as a way to check in with me and make sure I'm okay.  This time I had a hard time calming down, I think due to the suddenness of it all.  After I was intelligible again he explained that he wasn't upset with me, it was just the promised continuation of a punishment from last night.
So the backstory: Last night at bedtime I was annoyed with something he was doing, and instead of communicating with him, I just did a bunch of huffy breaths and didn't want to talk.  Well folks, that is not allowed, but I guess I forgot that last night.  We were upstairs where all the bedrooms are so he just used a plastic hanger to spank me for a minute after he lectured me(and got me to talk) because it's a really quiet implement and it stings a lot.  After we were done and I apologized we got in bed and he said "You're lucky it was so late and the motivator was so loud. How's your butt?"  I told him it was fine, just a little warm, and he said "Well then maybe I'll just use it tomorrow."  I told him I hoped he would forget, then we went to bed.
Back to the present: So after my spanking this morning, he looked at me and told me "I just wanted you to know that I won't forget you," then hugged me.  It took me a good couple of minutes or so afterward to have those feelings of thankfulness bloom inside my heart, but bloom they did, as big as a dahlia.  As much as I hated that spanking, I appreciate that he did it, and why.  I am one lucky girl :)


  1. Hi River (first time here I think)

    I clicked your name to see if you had a blog and you do :) My husband is also very fond of the paddle we have. He said he will most likely use it for maintenance this Friday (probably as a reminder to behave considering the P from last night) Sad movies make me cry too and SM doesn't like me to watch them. Sometimes he "forbids" me to watch certain shows he thinks are "bad" for me. Like he won't let me watch Criminal Minds anymore and I love that show. Boo on him. But I know why he is doing it. He just doesn't like to see me pulled into the sadness. Anyway... glad I came by and I will be back again!

    sara :)

    1. Hi Sara,
      It does suck when we are not allowed to do things we want to do, but our men do love to protect us! I love that show too. As hard as it is to sit through the torture scenes, it's really neat. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. It's comforting to know they won't forget us, isn't it? Some may not understand the expression of love that it is, but that's the way I see it :)

    1. Hi Faerie,
      Glad you see it that way too. It doesn't always feel that way in the moment, but the moment passes :)

  3. Ah I know it sounds odd to those 'not in the know' but that is sweet. We had an r/a session this week that I really didn't want. Barn said, " You and I both know I wouldn't be taking care of you if we didn't do this. In the long run this would be bad for you". Sigh true. Annoying but true. He says stuff like that with punishments now too. Do you sometimes wonder, " um who are you? " LOL

    1. Hi Willie,
      Yes! I was very much wondering who this man was and what he had done with my husband. I'm grateful they have the fortitude to proceed even when we don't want them to. It almost makes it more comforting to not have a choice about it, ya know?

  4. He will never forget you. Oh, that made my heart melt! What a blessing, and I'm so glad that the thankfulness bloomed in your heart. :)

    {{{hugs}}} EsMay
